It's all Talk Talk Talk
An interview with our creative director Dan Willers for the Inside Devon Pocast

In March 2021 we were emailed by Damien Clyburn from Otter Financial Services about the possibility of one of the founders of Yellow Mouse Studios being available to talk about the business for a podcast that Damien was producing.
We of course love talking about our little studio and so jumped at the chance to share some insight and stories about our journey.
The podcast format is an informal chat with Q and A about the business but also the personal journey of the business owner.
In Damien's own words .
"The Inside Devon podcast will interview successful business owners, entrepreneurs, experienced professionals, community leaders and other interesting people based in Devon. The aim of the show is to raise awareness about what they do, and why they do it."
We decided that our creative director Dan Willers would do the interview as he had the animation based back story which listeners looking for insight into the animation industry would hopefully find interesting.
The interview took place between Dan and Damien via a zoom chat and by all accounts was enjoyed by both parties. The podcast was published on the 6th April 2021 and can be listened to on all podcast streaming sites.
You can found the podcast here is a link to the podcast:
If you enjoyed our episode you can find more podcasts available of other business and charities from in and around Devon on the link provided.
If you would like to find out more about Damien's business 'Otter Finacial Services' your can view the website here:
We really enjoyed our chat with Damien and hope you engoyed listening to the podcast too.
Thanks to Damien for contacting us and for creating the podcast. We have listened to all of the episodes and have enjoyed them. Epescially learning about the personal journeys of the business owners. We are looking forward to listening to more.